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IMG_0736B Road & Highways

Our Chemical / Bituminous Products:


Nano-technology Silicon Based Anti-stripping Additives

The chemical affinity between bitumen and aggregate can be improved by the addition of very small quantities of silicon based specialty chemicals. They also delay in-field oxidation of bitumen.


Conventional Polyamine Type Anti-stripping Agents

Polyamine type Anti-stripping Agents have been the economical adhesion promoters for road industry for decades. They provide adhesion of bitumen with aggregates even in presence of water.


Warm-mix Additive

for economy and performance

Warm-mix Additives are Chemical Agents which help in reduction of production and paving temperatures of hot Mix Asphalt. They also help maintain temperature during long haulage of hot-mix materials.

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Emulsifiers for production of Bitumen Emulsions

Emulsifiers are key ingredient in production of Bitumen Emulsions. We manufacture and export world class emulsifiers to produce fine quality Bitumen Emulsions in Cationic and Anionic Grades.


Rejuvenator Liquid for Reclaimed Asphalt (RAP)

Milling of old Asphalt Pavement generate big quantity of material which can be made fit for re-laying after rejuvenation of aged bitumen properties & adding a small quantity of fresh bitumen.    


Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsion For Micro-surfacing 

Warm-mix Additives are Chemical Agents which help in reduction of production and paving temperatures of hot Mix Asphalt. They also help maintain temperature during long haulage of hot-mix materials.


Cationic Bitumen Emulsions for Cold-mix and Road

Cationic Bitumen Emulsions are environment friendly water based dispersion of Bitumen for cold application. These products can be used for tack coat, prime coat & cold mix road constructions.


Cationic Latex

(Natural Rubber Latex)

Bituminous products are conventionally modified with different rubbers to enhance field performance of roads. In cold-mix road preservation like Micro-surfacing, chemically modified cationic latex is used.


Thickeners for

Cationic Bitumen Emulsions 

A high viscosity of Cationic Bitumen Emulsions is desirable and enhances storage stability. Special thickeners are available in water dispersible powder form or thick liquid to enhance viscosity...

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